Jun 19, 2011

Making New Habits

You can compare habits with auto-pilot on plane. They are important in business, and life. Here are some tips for creating new habits, and making them stick:

1. You must know the benefits - Learn the benefits of making a change. Notice any changes in energy levels after you take on a new diet. Imagine effect of start exercising to your body and health. Making to do list every night for next day, to economize your time. Daily reading of motivational quotes, to keep your motivation high, etc.

2. It takes some time – Three to four weeks is all the time you need to make a habit automatic. If you can make it through the initial conditioning phase, it becomes much easier to sustain. A month is a good block of time to commit to a change since it easily fits in your calendar.

3. You need consistency – Consistency is critical if you want to make a habit stick. If you want to start exercising, go to the gym every day for your first thirty days. The more consistent your habit, the easier it will be to stick. If you want to start exercising, try going at the same time, to the same place, for your thirty days. When cues like time of day, place and circumstances are the same in each case it is easier to stick.

In the beginning you would feel initial resistance, and you must also know, after that comes satisfaction.


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