May 6, 2011

The top 7 business do’s and don’ts


1.  Have a plan. How can you succeed in business without one? A clear detailed plan
determines the actions you will take, and the resources you will need. It serves as
a guide for the life of your business.

2.  Know your goals. What would you like to accomplish with your business? Goals
which are not written are just wishes. You must know what you would like to get
or you will not get it.

3.  Analyze your options. You simply can’t do everything. You must decide which
marketing methods are worth pursuing and which ones are not. You also must
choose which products to offer. No one can effectively offer his or her customers

4.  Do your research. Advice is everywhere, however, not everyone and everything
has equal information to offer. Know how to evaluate the information you find.
Have a good attitude. This is essential. A good attitude will make the best of any
situation and encourage others to patronize your business.

5.  Take Inventory. It is absolutely essential that you stop on a regular basis and
assess what is going right with your business and what needs to be changed. This
will help breathe new life into your business and make it easier to make necessary
changes in order to move your business and yourself forward.

6.  Invest time into your business. Successful businesses are not made overnight. To
be successful you should give your business at least 3 years. This can be difficult
but it is necessary in order to get your name out there and to be sure you have
tried every possible solution and pathway.

7.  Ask for and seek advice from others. There are many others out there who have
been where you are and who are successful. What did they do which you can also
do? Always be willing to learn and copy those who have gone before.


1.  Have a negative attitude. A negative attitude kills everything. It kills your
customers’ interest, your marketing, and your motivation.

2.  Ignore the opinions of others. In business the advice and opinions of others is
important. However, you must weigh all advice and opinions first before taking
action to determine if it is really valid.

3.  Give Up. When you give up you say to yourself and others that your business
isn’t worth pursuing.

4.  Dabble along or experiment in something and then say, I failed. You must persist
for a long period of time in order to be successful.

5.  Waste valuable time. Certain hours of the day are better for conducting business.
Find out when they are and take advantage of them.

6.  Apologize for your failures and weaknesses. Everyone has them and no one
expects you to know everything or to be capable of doing everything for everyone
all the time.

7. Ignore your plan. Your plan is the lifeblood of your business and you must use it
and evaluate it on a daily basis.

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